About Us
Who We Are
About Swift Bulk Africa
SWIFTBULK LOGISTICS LIMITED is a commodity trading and logistics company duly incorporated within the laws of Zambia and with regional presence in Botswana and Zimbabwe. The company specializes in commodity trading and transportation of bulk fuel, petro chemicals and dry bulk cargo.
We are a customer-focused business, and our primary objective is to provide top-notch services, swift, dependable delivery, and exceptional customer service so clients can become more productive.
To be the preferred transporter of bulk
liquid fuels, bulk goods, energy commodity traders. To deliver service that adds value and makes a significant difference to our client’s requirements.
To be the premier and enterprising provider of high quality, value adding and innovative professional commodity trading and transport logistics in bulk
petroleum and break bulk cargo in Southern Africa.
People Involved
Meet Our Experts
is the ManagingDirector of the company with over 20years experience in fuel management,storage (through bulk fuel depots) anddistribution. He worked in commercialfuel trade in Southern Africa focusing ondirect fuel import through Sasol, whilstworking at Heritage Oil & Gas. Alogistics guru with more than 15 yearsexperience in the industry
Mr. Trymore Manyange
Managing Director
a distinguishedprofessional with an MSc in Civil Engineeringand a prestigious membership in theEngineering Institution of Zambia (MEIZ),brings to the table a remarkable depth ofexperience that extends over the course ofmore than three decades. His journey thathas spanned across both public and privatesectors in Zambia, Angola, DemocraticRepublic of Congo and the United States.
Eng. Joseph Mutoto Mwewa
Board Chair
Mrs Emisang Charowe is head of our Botswana market. Having ensured an effective set-up and organisation of thecountry office aimed at representation, functional administration and operationalsystems in place, as well as efficient linksbetween the main country office and ourregional offices. She is responsible forconceiving and developing efficient andintuitive marketing strategies and newmarkets actualization
Mrs Emisang Charowe
Country Director Botswana & Namibia
Mr Richard Makanza is an Insurance and Re-insurance Expert with grassroot experience in development of riskmanagement structures, technologies andfinancing models for agricultural lines ofbusiness from end to end. Richardbelieves that his exposure to dealstructuring, international trade financialinstruments, securities and risk management in general will bring a newdimension to the business.
Mr Richard Makanza
Finance Director
Mr. Nkululeko Sibanda is a seasoned Chartered Administrator who has over 15 years experience in developing andmaintaining alliances and partnerships.He has worked in Manufacturing,Construction, Transport and Logisticsincluding the Oil and Gas industry ensuring sound Corporate Governancestandards are maintained.
Mr. Nkululeko Sibanda
Admin Director